


Sophie Brocas Prefect (Source: Courtesy Prefecture Ile de France)
Accessibility for All
(Source: Handinorme)
USPA NEWS - The participants, were invited to reflect on their attitudes and vis-à-vis positioning of people with disabilities by sweeping popular belief: no, disability is not synonymous with misery and we do not have to save inappropriately people with disabilities in their daily difficulties.
Sophie Brocas Prefect Handicap Conference
Source: Courtesy of Prefecture Ile De France
THREE GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES ARE OUTLINED BY THE GOVERNOR SOPHIE BROCAS--------------------------- The participants, were invited to reflect on their attitudes and vis-à-vis positioning of people with disabilities by sweeping popular belief: no, disability is not synonymous with misery and we do not have to save inappropriately people with disabilities in their daily difficulties of life which are proper to the human being. However, technical and medical disability compensations are not a panacea and it is primarily a question of "human accessibility".-------------------------------------------- The Prefect, Sophie Brocas, wanted to "reaffirm the Government's commitment to find a concrete expression to the principle of universal accessibility". This commitment translates into three priorities: 1- Increase accessibility: public and private actors which were not in compliance with the reachability obligation had until last October to file in city hall or prefecture, a "programmed agenda of accessibility" ( Ad'ap); 2- Promote access to equality: the State adjusts its websites so that everyone can access information that is scattered there; 3- Solutions for all: the mission "A response with for all" now accepts the recommendations of the report of Mr. Denis Piveteau "Zero without Solutions."
Handisport Logo
Source: courtesy of cdos24
THE ACTION OF STATE SERVICES TO IMPROVE THE DAILY FOR DISABLED This conference closes a series of actions undertaken since the start of the year on the occasion of this anniversary: “‹“‹meeting new two advisory departmental committees of the disabled, the realization of an exhibition of people with disabilities in the workplace and an awareness campaign among the region prefecture agents. THE ACTION OF THE PREFECTURE OF ILE DE FRANCE AND PARIS · At the regional level, the "handi-pact" device supports public employers by the payment of aid, the animation of a corresponding disability network and the provision of material resources including a practical booklet Disability and learning. Over a hundred correspondents disabilities were integrated into the regional directory and each month more than 200 visitors use the website 21 major players in the Paris region public employment signed the Charter of Public Service employers for the employment of people with disabilities in ÃŽle-de-France. -------------------------------AT THE DEPARTEMENTAL LEVEL IN PARIS------------------------------------------------------------- 1-The State participates in the amount of € 2.3 million in 2015, operation of the Departmental House of Disabled Persons (MDPH). Moreover, the state contributes to the tune of € 105,000 in 2015, to support the technical and human assistance through the fund departmental disability compensation;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-The Departmental Directorate for Social Cohesion Paris performs checks to ensure that holiday trips are suitable for adults with disabilities. In 2015, six checks have been made, a seventh will be by the end of the year;------------------------------------ 3-State-supported sport disability adapted and wheelchair sport, through the National Centre of financing for the development of sport.  
House of Disability Paris
Source: House of Disability Paris
THE FRENCH 2005 ACT FOR DISABILITY IS A GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF NON DISCRIMINATION--------------------- 150,000 people are followed in Paris by the MDPH. In Paris, nearly 150 000 people have a right opened with the county House of Disabled Persons, or about 6% of the population of Paris. The law was created 10 years ago, upon legislation to ensure conditions of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens The 2005 Act has been a general principle of non-discrimination forcing the national community to ensure conditions of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, including persons with disabilities.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its objective is to organise the disability access to ordinary law to ensure equal access to health care, housing, school, training, employment in the city and recognise and full citizenship of people with disabilities. Source Prefecture Ile de France

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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