


USPA NEWS - Final Part of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei' s Press Conference given on February 17, 2016. It was relating to The United States and ASEAN countries holding an informal leaders' meeting in California.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei was answering to Journalists :
Final Part of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei' s Press Conference given on February 17, 2016. It was relating to The United States and ASEAN countries holding an informal leaders' meeting in California.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei was answering to Journalists :


QUESTION : The statement issued after the US-ASEAN informal leaders' meeting mentioned that all parties are committed to non-militarization. What is your comment ?
ANSWER : The Chinese side welcomes this joint commitment by the US and ASEAN to non-militarization and hopes that relevant countries can live up to that. Country outside the region shall not show off its military force in the South China Sea nor use force or coercive means to advance its unilateral assertion. Meanwhile, it shall not rope in regional countries to conduct joint military drills or patrols targeting the third party in the South China Sea. China and ASEAN countries have the capability, confidence and wisdom to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.
QUESTION : An editorial by the Global Times said that China should contribute its own part to destroying the DPRK's nuclear development capability, in spite of the DPRK's opposition. Does this represent the position of the Chinese government ? The editorial also talked about the ROK's possible deployment of the THAAD system, saying that China can take reference from Russia's actions in Eastern Europe and install defensive missiles in Northeast Asia. Do you agree with that ?
ANSWER : we have been repeating our position on the Korean nuclear issue. Our stance is clear. We stand for denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and oppose the DPRK's nuclear test and satellite launch. We believe that the DPRK's capability to develop nuclear and missile program shall be curbed and we support the UN Security Council in passing new resolutions to achieve that goal. Meanwhile, the current situation renders it more urgent to resolve the Korean nuclear issue through dialogues and negotiations.
We urge all sides to place the Korean nuclear issue back to the track of dialogues and negotiations, explore ways to advance denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula in tandem with transition from armistice to peace, and stay committed to long-term stability of the Korean Peninsula.

The deployment of the THAAD system on the Korean Peninsula will not help ameliorate tensions and safeguard regional peace and stability. It will undermine China's strategic security interests. We firmly oppose that. It is hoped that the relevant side can drop this plan.
QUESTION : On February 16, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) said in a statement that he is concerned about the recent so-called arrests of lawyers, harassment and intimidation of government critics and workers of non-governmental organizations in China and he urges China to release human rights lawyers immediately and without conditions. What is China's comment ?
ANSWER : The UNHCHR launched groundless accusations against China's domestic affairs. It is unjust and unprofessional. The Chinese government firmly opposes and will not accept that.

China is a law-based country. Everyone is equal before the law. Whoever violates the law will be punished accordingly. The Chinese side hopes that the UNHCHR can view the development of China's human rights cause in an all-round, just and objective way and respect China's judicial sovereignty.
QUESTION : Former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali passed away in Egypt. What is China's comment?

ANSWER : The Chinese side mourns the passing of Former UN Secretary-General Ghali and expresses sincere sympathy to his family, the Egyptian government and people.

Mr. Ghali was a world-renowned statesman and diplomat. During his tenure as the UN Secretary-General, he made indelible contributions to resolving conflicts and hotspot issues, improving the well-being of mankind and solidifying the UN's influence with his accomplished diplomatic skills and full enthusiasm. Mr. Ghali was an old friend of the Chinese people.
He had been committed to developing China-Egypt relations and enhancing China-UN cooperation. In January, 2016, Mr. Ghali was awarded for his outstanding contribution to the Sino-Arab friendship by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. The Chinese government and people will forever remember what Mr. Ghali had done for advancing the UN cause, for enhancing China-UN cooperation, and for promoting China-Egypt friendship.

Source : Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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