


Signature Convention at Prefecture IDF (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Prefecture Ile De France
(Source: Courtesy Prefecture Ile De France)
USPA NEWS - Through an innovative agreement, the Grand Paris is accelerating the construction of social housing to curb the housing crisis in particular has Paris Ile De France. Grand Paris Habitat signed an innovative agreement between the State and the SNI Group, around a trading session and signatures.
Signature Convention Prefecture
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
SIGNING OF AN INNOVATIVE TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRAND PARIS HABITAT, SNI AND FRENCH STATE The signing of this agreement took effect on 21 December 2015, in presence with Jean Francois Carenco, Prefect of Ile De France, Andre Yché President of SNI, Corinne Simoni, Head of Communications of the SNI, Jean Martin Delorme, President of the DRIHL, Marie Christine Lavieville Generale Director DRIHL, , Manuel Flam Adoma CEO. The SNI Group is a real estate subsidiary of the Caisse des Depots et Consignations (CDC, see article: CDC..BICENTENAIRE) and first donor of France with 340 000 homes managed a majority of social housing. The SNI also offers alternatives such as Intermediate-1 Housing (25,000) reserving State in particular proposing to the Prefecture Ile de France priority rights over his assets knowing that officials are among his priorities. Social 2-Home (31000) 3 Emergency Accommodation reception Centers Asylum Seekers and Emergency Accommodation Centres through its subsidiary: ADOMA. With priority for young people and single-parent families and people eligibles social homes today housed at the hotel by the state.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this agreement, the SNI Group is committed to the French state to build more housing in the territory of the Grand Paris and welcomes the increase of households of DALO () and the poorest families. The prefecture Ile de France has set up a housing policy with 7 other prefectures other départements for housing objectives such as in 2015: 1- 60 350 housing projects set 2 28 350 new registered social rental housing. 3- 80,000 people accommodated with a finding of 550 000 households whose housing applicants 1- 31,000 DALO housing 280 000 annual grants This agreement also provides for better management of grants and approval applications based on the annual calendar. Other courses of dwellings such as apartments and houses through buybacks or degraded properties pavilions are also planned as part of this agreement.
ADOMA logo
Source: Courtesy Adoma
Prefecture Ile De France GP
Source: Courtesy Prefecture Ile De France
SNI logo
Source: Courtesy SNI
Grand Paris logo
Source: Courtesy of Grand Paris Prefecture
GRAND PARIS HABITAT LAUNCHES AN INNVOVATIVE NEW TOOL TO REDUCE INEQUALITY FACE HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT IN ILE DE FRANCE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prefect Jean French Carenco introduced the meeting: No one except the Macon, not built alone. It is together that we will achieve our goals has. I do not believe a chain housing but has a large puzzle. If he misses a room everything collapses. It was we create fraternal cities and we accompany those who need to be. " André Yché as has explained that "The SNI group is a natural partner of public authorities contribute to our link by housing households to training and employment" He replies to our question: QUESTION: What is the process stated within this convention to being able to create Key Workers“ of the Intermediaries parks ?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER Andre Ache and Jean Francois Carenco : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL RESSOURCES OF THE CONVENTION SIGNED------------------------------------------------------------------------ Because we broke ground for intermediate housing of the state and hope to benefit from this process in the traditional way has a more industrialised process means that we can no longer work in isolation, and we must rely on a network. This translates conventions, including Grand Paris Habitat.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE EXPECTED CONVENTION COMPONENT "SOHO" TYPE, EMPLOYMENT CLOSED-LINKED TO SOCIAL HOUSING NAMED "KEY WORKERS"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Corporation of Greater Paris and the APHP are involved in this agreement. It is the keystone for different actors to facilitate implementation. This framework agreement with lestent that brings legitimacy to this effort of production. We act on the ground since, already several years and our the first time the EU has participated ADOMA because that agreement shall be social and public utility. This is a major strategic move that will achieve ambitious goals. The Golden Triangle finally allows access to land and access to target populations of the same operation. Le Grand Paris, can be just as much in corporate and institutional approach which can be accompanied by an entrepreneurial approach which is in this configuration, enabling strengthened partnership and networking and partnership-oriented operationally and an entrepreneurial approach refoulement "say together Mr Andre Yche, EO of SNI, and Jean Francois Carenco, Ile de France Prefect.---------------------------------------- Manuel Flam explains that "Because the SNI wants to play central role in the completion of the Grand Paris housing, we have created a dedicated tool," Grand Paris Habitat "which covers the territory extremely ambitious production targets. By integrating our strategy in the state's priorities in matters of housing policy, we also affirm our commitment to being a real estate operator model and reference for the government ".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I want to speed up access to target 20% of housing DALO and to propose as far as I'm concerned, the access to grants by the DALO. In all PTA (Priority Territory Area) is what I want to propose if revenues are lower to also ensure social diversity. This is thanks to that kind of action that we can follow the evolution of our country. This is what, I dreamed of signing in housing for innovating like I'll do from here with gentlemen Andre Yche (SNI), and Jean Martin Delorme (DRIHL) and Gilles Leblanc (DALO). So now it's time for acting ! I congratulate Jean Pierre Clement in termes of accommodation, as we together managed to housing thousands of people and it worked very well. " declared Jean Francois Carenco, just before signing a convention and pass the document to his fellow signatories.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 FEATURES OF THIS AGREEMENT----------------------------------------Here are 3 devices provided in this agreement. 1- latched Housing Fund last July with 1 Billion own EPA Fund 2- SNI capitalises since December 2015, and officially the monitoring committee manages 900 million euros in cash deposits 3- 6, 3 billion are available now. The two group program is expected between 2015-2020, with u budget 12 billion euros. ADOMA which will provide housing by 5000 4 / year, including interim housing, including 20 000 in 2017. As for the long-term level of IIC 2025, our production is planning to be put in service nationwide.
Regional Elections Prefecture
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
JEAN FRANCOIS CARENCO PREFECT IS A DYNAMIC AND OPTIMISTIC THAT DARE USING NEW PRIVATE-PUBLIC METHODS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The prefect who uses a language in both imaged and doesn't hide behind the often glaring and alarming truth, in matters of housing in Ile de France. So he tries, he experimented with new methods, based on its temperament dynamic and optimistic despite the crisis context. His methods have been proven when he did the same in scaffolding new concepts to achieve the success of the Grand Lyon. He arrives in Paris Ile De France has called for accelerating the point "this gigantic project, especially according to the new map of the French regions, (Passed from 22 to 13 regions now have led to a new configuration of both geographical map of France both administratively and politically.---------------------------------------------- The Ile de France area administered by the far left is passed right by the success of Valerie Pecresse of Republicans winning the regional elections. Valerie Pecresse (Closed to Nicolas Sarkozy and was Minister of Higher Education and Research, 2007). The recent election of the new President of Grand Paris, won by Marc Ollier, further strengthens the weight of the right in future policy decisions and guidelines about the management of the Grand Paris. The agreement of this convention, was orchestrated to be signed by year-end 2015. This deal will have to face, from now on with the opposition to achieve these major projects already initiated and reduce the suffering of Parisian's rate from the crisis of housing, and unemployment in particular for medium classes. See article: FRANCE HAS 3,8 MILLION PEOPLE POORLY-HOUSED 15MILLION AFFECTED BY HOUSING CRISIS REPORT BY THE FOUNDATION ABBE PIERRE - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-7078/france-has-38-million-people-poorly-housed-15million-affected-by-housing-crisis.html#sthash.dwwKExRm.dpuf See also article : SYLVIA PINEL FRENCH MINISTER OF HOUSING EQUALITY ENTRUSTED A MISSION TO THE CEO OF THE FOUNDATION ABBE PIERRE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-7079/sylvia-pinel-french-minister-of-housing-equality-entrusted-a-mission-to-the-ceo.html#sthash.CPt78kKx.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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