

I wont let the haters stomp my fire

The Goddess Tracey Jewel (Source: Photographer /Robbie Merritt / Tracey Jewel)
Tracey Jewel releasing the Goddess within
(Source: Robbie Merritt)
USPA NEWS - "I've become accustomed to what I write and tap out on my phone (and whom I date and don't date) is splashed all over the media and internet. I've shared heartbreaks and aha moments, paleo recipes and photos with Oprah as well as some pretty frank confessions along the way". Said Tracey Jewel
Tracey Jewel releasing the Goddess within
Source: Robbie Merritt
Success comes with hard work and this woman knows the 'Effort = Results'. Jewel won the NEIS Small Business Award in 2008, a scholarship to Rich Happy Hot Live in 2012 and was runner-up for the St George Start Up Awards in 2013. An author, professional speaker and awarded businesswoman, she´s appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and is a regular presenter for Mind Body Spirit and Everywoman Expo. She has without doubt forged her position as a role model for all women. Tracey's interest in the female spirit began as a teenager at 14 who fell in love with literature. Discovering an inspirational bookstore and convinced her mother to buy her a meditation book on femininity , she was hooked. So began her vocation in female empowerment.
Tracey Jewel releasing the Goddess within
Source: Robbie Merritt
Tracey's entrepreneurial spirit was key factor to her rise to success. Not content with a standard high school job, Tracey accepted a position selling kitchen knives at age 16, the youngest in the sales team. But her age wasn´t the only thing setting her apart. Applying her already impressive business intuition she ignored the door-to-door approach, instead selling directly to kitchens in cafes and restaurants, and surpassed her entire team´s performance within her first week. Her next project was an online bookstore, a project that she juggled with studying creative writing and marketing at Curtin University in Western Australia. Her passion for literature and femininity coupled with her natural sense of business strategy saw success come quickly, with a major bookstore purchasing the website within a short few years. Her successful business interests did not stop here, and ranged from a day spa to a book store, and brought her admiration, respect and experience.
Tracey´s ability to apply sound entrepreneurial skills to transform ideas into successful business ventures has earned her position in the corporate world. Passionate about marketing, she takes great excitement in seeing a campaign through to completion. From inception to success, and the follow-up analytics, she loves it all. An expert in current trends and marketing techniques, she is known for identifying the potential in a brand and transforming it into a memorable somatic marker. She believes that her job is not done until a product´s success is seen in technicolour, and there is no doubt in her client´s mind that her campaign has set them aside from the competition.
The Goddess Tracey Jewel
Source: Robbie Merritt
Tracey´s philanthropic nature extends beyond words. She is a regular volunteer for a number of charities including Jigsaw Adoption, Esther Refuge Homes for Women, White Ribbon and the Parkerville Children´s Home. Her altruism was proven in 2006 when she won a Mercedes car in a charity giveaway, but instead of accepting the prize she donated it back to the charity, earning her to nickname “˜Mercedes Tracey´. But the public Tracey Jewel isn´t the full story. A lover of a little solitude, she´s often found cooped up in a quirky hole-in-the-wall café, a short mac in hand and her ever-present iPad and journal capturing her thoughts. And she loves being a mother, finding much joy in the time she spends with her young daughter away from the fast-paced business world. No stranger to fame and accustomed to success, Tracey Jewel is a role model for women worldwide.
Tracey Jewel dealing with haters is ok.
Source: Robbie Merritt
Never one to take the well-worn path, she´s fought her demons and persevered to build an inspiring life. But all throughout, her public-spiritedness has been strong, and each day she commits to working for the betterment of the world around her. Whether through her writing, business development or personal life, she will be remembered for her dedication to socially responsible organisations that benefit the communities around them and make a positive difference to the lives of all women. A regular writer for a number of magazines and blogs, and author of highly successful The Goddess Within, her way with words is indisputable. Her style is bold, profound and engaging, and intended to inspire others to action. Whether in a headline, an email or a book, her style is unique, enlightening and praised worldwide.
"I have discovered that some people have so much sadness inside them they delight in other peoples sadness and struggles. It's hard for me to be vulnerable when I know a % of readers won't like it. Women tearing down other women". Tracey went on to say, "Well I won't let the haters stomp my fire of vulnerability and my blissful connections with my readers. I have so much compassion and understanding for anyone who has gone through these things with haters and trolls. We just need to be vigilant about our thoughts, what we consume and who we surround ourselves with. My new mantra? to live a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside. So wherever you are, however you are doing I am sending you Grace and love
As a celebrity photographer who spent an entire day with this amazing soul , indeed I would clearly refer Tracey Jewel as the Goddess of understanding and tolerance . They say it takes a strong woman, to drop everything, go through her phone, send one final text, delete his number, burn the letters & unwanted memories, and say I WON'T stress, cry, or blame myself anymore, & lets go. Perhaps more women should learn from this amazing role model , rethink the social media banter and hatred then ponder what life would be like for everyone if all social media trolls , gossip writers and haters were to read Tracey's book then look in the mirror... then realise you ..."Don't Mess with the Goddess".

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