


Oscars Banner (Source: Courtesy Academy Oscars)
Leo Di Caprio wins Best actor Oscar
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Leonardo Di Caprio has not only won his Oscar for Best Actor for the film "The Revenant" Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, but he also enjoys his 2 minutes of short talk under the spotlights to dedicate about climate change and a tribute to the Indigenes who least pollute the Earth.
Leo Di Caprio quote Indigenuous
Source: Courtesy Leo Di Caprio
Leonardo Di Caprio has not only won his Oscar for Best Actor for the film "The Revenant" Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, but he also enjoys his 2 minutes of short talk under the spotlights to dedicate about climate change and a tribute to the Indigenes who least pollute the Earth and are suffering the most from global warming. A gesture has both class and that deserves to be memorable in the annals. AFTER BEING NOMINATED FOR SEVERAL TIMES LEONARDO DI CAPRIO WINS BEST ACTOR OSCAR WITH “THE REVENANT“----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There are more tears shed on the earth there is water in the ocean." Said Budha, has another distant era of ours, and careless of the suffering of the Earth by the global warming.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Sunday, the first and most beautiful Oscar awarded to Leonardo Di Caprio, who could not dream better. Because it was five times nominated for already 22 years, and has been working for so many years of perseverance and determination to achieve the Holy Grail that is the Oscar. He almost win so often in ca became embarrassing for him, from him even his fans yet. He never kisses the arm or abandoned, it has even encouraged a further push its limits to raise the level of performance of actors of 7th art. Touched by Grace Leo Di Caprio, behaves like a lord by passing its protective activist message of the Earth and forgot his ego for the benefit of the community and even humanity.---------------------------------------------------------------- Why and how di Leo Di Caprio to he managed to resonate the principle of praise from the superficiality of the Oscars, by the depth of genuine commitment, time to this brilliant evening of diamonds and other evening gowns, in floods of champagne gild and chocolates? In one word by: Sincerity. An act so disinterested that from the time he could not win this trophy earlier, Leo Di Caprio, has finally renounce and out aside his ego on the podium. He has to leave the locker room this time so important and symbolic for the benefit of the collective soul of humanity.--------------------------------------------------------------- Also, because Dicaprio was fused with the Earth is dragging in the snow, plunging into icy lakes, feel the total denouement, away from the comforts of Western sawed, but so close to the Indian spirituality of a time movie "The Revenant". But beyond this, the jealous detractors in his activist fighting and criticising him while he is protecting Ouran utan Africa, the Bengal tigers, the protected species of ocean biodiversity threatened in some areas dried up. And what is more his initiation hero of the movie "The Revenant" taught him to fetch it all through his own suffering even if it is played because it was carried out in real conditions of extreme harsh environment. The strength he had to concentrate in this film the plunge into the depths of his soul which to draw such a performance which earned him Oscar this amply.
"The Revenant" Poster By Alejandro Inaritu
Source: Courtes twentieth Fox
Leo DI Caprio in "The Revenant"
Source: Courtesy of Leo Di Caprio
Leo DI Caprio in "The Revenant"
Source: Courtesy of Leo Di Caprio
Leo Di Caprio and Al Gore
Source: Courtesy jreview
And, once again on the podium in reaching its goal if Desired, for a long time Leonardo was the class of "great lords", the one that the ego disappears on behalf of a more noble mission, more collective as grand and unfortunately sad. Indeed, as reported, the effects and compensations which now plaguing our planet, already reaching consequences for survival of some populations, who are not even the responsible of pollution or production of greenhouse gas but suffer the brunt. Besides biodiversity and certain fragile species which are increasingly under threat of disappearing. The commitment of the Oscar-winning actor, today attests to the consistency of his activism but resonates as a universal warning, that one wishes to be heard and emergency endorsed, at this stage of the damage, global.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Al Gore Former President, another notorious activist and expert of global warming, has tweeted a message of congratulations to Leonardo Di Caprio : “Great to see Leonardo DiCaprio receive a well-deserved & way overdue best actor award! And so like Leo to use the stage to help save the climate!“ At this point of comfort and abundance, there is no need to earn more money or fame or bigger polluting car or more of hedonism, versus the wise attitude of contributing protecting the Earth. It is a matter of save the future generations from disasters and irresponsible blindness. As a matter of fact, as far as he is concerned, there was a Leonardo Di Caprio, before the Oscar and now there will be a new Leonardo.
Oscars Logo
Source: Courtesy Academy Oscars
HERE ARE THE CONTENTS OF HIS SPEECH WHEN AWARDED HIS TROPHY OSCAR 2016----------------------- -“The Revenant“ was about a man´s relationship to the natural world. World that collectively get in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Our production need to move to the Southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow ! CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL, it is happening right now. Ot is one of the most urgent threat that face our species and we need to work collectively, together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters and bug corporations but who speak for all humanity for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who be most affected by this. Fo our children´s children and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by tech politics of greed. I than k you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much.“ declared Leonardo Di Caprio, before the prestigious guests at the 88th ceremony of the Oscars." Leo Di Caprio Says at Ceremony of Oscars 2016.
Leo Di Caprio Oscars Backstage
Source: Courtesy Academy/RSR
Leo DI Caprio and Kate Winslet
Source: Courtesy Academy/RSR
Leo Di Caprio Oscar winner
Source: Courtesy Academy/RSR

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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