


Minister Jean Jacques Urvoas signature (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Ministry fo Justice Facade
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - French Minister of Justice, Jean Jacques Urvoas, has signed on 8 march, the commitment agreement of the Department of Justice for public communication without stereotype of gender. he Chancellery is the first department to sign the agreement shortly afters setting up by the High Council for Equality
Jean Jacques Urvoas Talk
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
On the occasion of the International Woman's Day, the Minister Jean Jacques Urvoas, signed the commitment agreement of the Department of Justice for public communication without stereotype of gender, according to the guide prepared by the High Council for Equality between women and men. The Chancellery is the first department to sign the agreement shortly after the installation of the High Council for Equality between women and men by the President of the Republic that morning.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs Marie Francoise Lebon-Blanchard President of Women of Justice, “This is indeed the first time that I can state my action and make direct authority under the Minister of Justice. The human resources department, must be exemplary as an employer. Justice is a beautiful and strong institution must be fair preoccupation of social risks has both gender man and woman and also concern of the times that the principals have prepare the roadmap on behalf of mid place of justice. On behalf of minors and youth initiatives you return recruiting executives devices for women in positions has responsibilities and voluntary positive action. The will is important, and this is what it is about, so why we needed an implantation to defend the public communication without gender stereotype.
Gaelle Abiliy
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Daniele Bousquet (President High Council Equality Women / Men) replied to my question "How and when the exchange took place with Minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas to accept and decided to sign this agreement? She answers "I went to see the Minister of Justice on 24 February (Minister was appointed on 28 January after the departure of Christiane Taubira). He immediately, acceded to the Convention on "The communication without stereotypes" and agrees immediately to organize the signing of this agreement as soon possible. And now here comes the 8th of March, on this symbolic day of the International Women's Day.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS OF THE GUIDE : THE 10 COMMANDMENTS AGAINST SEX STEREOTYPES 1-BANISH ALL EXPRESSIONS SEXIST 2-GRANT THE NAMES OF BUSINESS, SECURITIES AND DUTIES RADES 3-USER OF WOMEN AND MACULIN MASSAGE IN ADDRESS TO ALL AND TO ALL 4-USE DURING ORDRER ALPHABETICAL LIST 5-PRESENT FULL IDENTITY OF WOMEN AND MEN 6-DO NOT BOOK TO WOMEN ISSUES ON PERSONAL LIFE 7-TALK WOMEN INSTEAD OF WOMEN 8-DIVERSIFIED REPRESENTATION FEMMS AND MEN 9-ENSURE BALANCE OF NUMBER OF WOMEN AND MEN ON THE VIDEOS IMAGES, AREAS OF COMMUNICATIONS, TIME WORDS, NAMES OF STREET, HOUSING AND EQUIPMENT 10-TRAIN PROFESIONNELS AND DISTRIBUTE THE GUIDE
Signature Convention Gender
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
CONVENTION REGARDLESS OF GENDER STEREOTYPE-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The “Convention regardless of gender stereotype.“, is a condensed 10 times and clear recommendations that were co -constructed to communicate without stereotypes. This is a written guide as a tool in the government communication (posters, symposia, Address, Appointment, official texts, videos ...) so that communication is expressed without gender stereotype. This action will bring to life the equality between women and men in a reality for all.----------------------------------------------- Gaelle Alby Talebearer of the "Convention regardless of gender stereotype." explained what is behind this initiative, and addressed to the Minister of Justice. "Your listening skills makes me a sign, hoping that you will come to congratulate us in some time on this commitment. This bodes well for the projects we have in common, the SEDEF agreement (ACDEO) which ratified it 32 years ago and mobilized very little because justice professionals are not trained, while the "International Court Rights "practice it much. It is necessary to know the now. It is my pleasure to sign this agreement today."
Themis Justice lady
JJ URVOAS EXPLAINS THAT JUSTICE IS FEMININE BY LADY JUSTICE IN THE ALLEGORIES------------------------ “In all classical representations of justice is represented by women: Lady Justice. The allegory of the Greek goddess Themis, is holding in her hands the balance, and a sword and is blindfold. It is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If imitation is the basis of the human, then we must push the responsibilities and encourage new faces and that's why I called today these women to encourage the emulation in essentially show that one can access an extension has responsibility. Justice and righteousness so this report is important and I hope that my generation March 8 is the time of audacity and that's why I agreed to accede to this convention. The commitments I will take, but if it is binding, than it would be complicated, but if that is the incentive, then that's fine.“ Jean Jacques Urvoas says. Many women are numerous in number and qualifications in the world of justice, as the Premiere lawyer admitted to the Paris Bar in 1897 and denied that Ms. Jeanne Chauvin admitted to the bar in 1904, for example. Nowadays, Dominique Attias, is the Vice Bâtonnière of Paris, and also Pascaline Courthes in Chateauroux, is Bâtonnière. So should we say Mrs. or Ms. Le Batonnier or Bâtonnière?" Explains Jean Jacques Urvoas
Daniele Bousquet
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Jean Jacques Urvoas & RSR
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Jean Jacques Urvoas and Women
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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