
World Foresty Day involves the schools for the 3rd edition

Starts in France form 19 to 27 march

World Forest Day (Source: World Forest Day)
World Forest Day France
(Source: Ministry Agriculture)
USPA NEWS - For the third season, the International Day of Forests has a new standard by integrating an educational section dedicated to schools. World Forest Day are organized in France from 19 to 27 March 2016. This ambition was announced in Honoré de Balzac lycée in Paris on March 21, 2016.
World Forest Day
Source: India Mirror Agri
For the third season, the International Day of Forests has a new standard by integrating an educational section dedicated to schools. World Forest Day are organized in France from 19 to 27 March 2016. This ambition was announced in "Honore de Balzac High School" in Paris on March 21, 2016.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These operations shall sensitize schoolchildren to sustainable forest management, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the French Office of the Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe (of-EEA), in conjunction with the Ministry of national education, higher education and research, and the national Forest Wood France inter, launched the educational process "the Forest comes to School ". It is for schools and colleges and is the educational component of the International Day of Forests with the intervention of the NFB and the CNPF. The International Day of forests, national operation of public discover the many functions of the forest this year brings together 246 events throughout France.   "The Forest comes to School" will provide school projects on the forest seedlings of trees and / or animation by forest officers of the National Forestry Office (ONF) and the National Centre for Forest Property (CNPF). A call for proposals will be launched for the school year 2016-2017 to support educational projects that explore the three forest functions: economic, ecological and social. This operation is part of an educational approach to the environment and sustainable development by choosing the forest as a teaching medium.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane Le Foll, French Monster fo Agriculture, welcomes the launch of the operation because it contributes to a better understanding of the forest and its issues by children and more widely by citizens. "The World Forest Day became the first educational program on the forest, the tree and the wood, by integrating these educational initiatives deployed throughout the year," stated Thierry Lereverend, Director of the EEA, which continues "it is to make the World forest Day the reference event for all citizens around the forest, tree and wood. "

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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