
Bernard Cazeneuve makes the closing of Forum of Dialogue with Islam of France

Remarks of Interior Minister Cazeneuve

Bernard Cazeneuve Interior Minister (Source: Courtesy Ministry Interior)
Islam Dialogue Program
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The second edition of the Dialogue with Islam in France brought together Mr President of the CFCM, rectors, imams, politicians, before the PM Manuel Valls and Bernard Cazeneuve the Minister of the Interior March 21, 2016. Here are the Remarks of Interior Minister Cazeneuve, delivered successively.
Bernard Cazeneuve Interior Minister
Source: Courtesy Ministry
REMARKS OF INTERIOR MINISTER : MUSLIM COUNCIL AND OTHER MUSLIM LEADERS AND PREVENTING RADICALISATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I am particularly pleased in various ways, to find yourself in the premises of the Interior Ministry after the work of this second forum for dialogue with Islam in France.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, because I find in this meeting many friendly faces. Those national leaders of the Muslims of France, active within the CFCM and various federations, I want to meet regularly because of their experience and speech they carry on your behalf. We discuss all subjects directly concerning the exercise of the Muslim Faith, of course, but also those of interest to all the French who, like you, are concerned about the destiny of our country. And each of these exchanges is to me a source of enrichment. And I also see some of you I have met on my way to meet the Muslims of France in mosques, during my travels in the provinces. Sometimes in circumstances marked by worry, when I go to Auch after the arson that targeted his mosque. Sometimes in a climate of optimism, serenity and openness to the other, when I participate in the "tea of “‹“‹brotherhood," this beautiful initiative of the CFCM, Saint-Ouen l´Aumône, then to the Grand Mosque paris with the President of the Republic."
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Source: townson .edu
THE REPUBLIC PROTECTS DIGNIFIED AND PEACEFUL MUSLIM AND ENSURE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PRACTICE All these meetings are for me precious moments, moments of exchange and sharing. Moments marked by the Republican fervor, because Muslims I meet on these occasions tell me their love of the Republic and their willingness to defend it against its enemies, who are also their. Muslims of France, I want to say in return that the Republic is intended to take them in its arms, to give them the place that is theirs within it. I want to tell them that the Republic always protect against those who would reach and always ensure their constitutional right to practice their religion under dignified and peaceful. Since such rights are precisely those that the Republic should guarantee to all citizens, beyond their faiths and beliefs. This is also where lie my commitment and duty to every citizen, my responsibility of Interior Minister.------------------------------------------------ So I'm glad to see you all today in this spirit of harmony, respect and peace. And I am pleased that this "Dialogue Forum", which I designed the project with you last year, meeting its objectives and is already dedicated as a place of exchange and proposals, each of which recognizes the utility.“ Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, stated. -------------------------------------- See article : FRENCH PM MANUEL VALLS GATHERS MUSLIM BODIES IN FRANCE FOR THE 2ND EDITION PRIORITY IS FIGHT AGAINST RADICALIZATION - See more at:

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