
Passengers named records and data protection to be voted

Protection privacy & fighting terrorism

European Union Flag (Source: European Union )
Europol Logo
(Source: Courtesy Europol)
USPA NEWS - The PNR will, once implemented in the Member States, one of the useful tools to help the authorities to search for people suspected of being linked to terrorist networks. Socialist MEPs and radicals have always supported a European PNR, the two strict conditions for a vote in parallel.
Terrorism logo
The PNR will, once implemented in the Member States, one of the useful tools to help the authorities to search for people suspected of being linked to terrorist networks.Socialist MEPs and radicals have always supported a European PNR, the two strict conditions for a vote in parallel to a set of texts favorable to the protection of data and it is balanced between the fight against terrorism and protection privacy. This has now been done, and we welcome it, although we regret the time lost by the Council.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DATA PROTECTION PACKAGE BY PNR SYSTEM------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The data protection package will protect, first, the personal data of Europeans, especially against the multinationals. We made sure to strengthen the rights of users by allowing them to control their data, specifically in cases of abuse. Right to erasure, remedies, information on how the data is processed, coaching Europeans data transfers to third countries, strictly limited profiling opportunities, penalties for non-compliance: with this reform the Union will be provided with protection standards of the highest privacy in the world, which, given its demographic and economic weight, will influence the standard of the rest of the planet. Furthermore, because the technology provides new ways of monitoring the police and justice, it was essential to build a base guarantees for the rights and freedoms of citizens, while allowing the security forces to exchange information more quickly and more effectively. We managed to balance the protection of fundamental rights of citizens and strengthening the effectiveness of police and judicial cooperation across the European Union.
Socialist MEP's logo
Source: Courtesy Socialist MEP's
Regarding the fight against terrorism, it is essential to move up a gear in Europe, which implies a clear commitment of Member States: they must improve the quality of their cooperation, especially between their intelligence services, police and justice, also in connection with Europol and Eurojust. It is not only important to collect as much data as possible, still have to learn the process, analyze and exchange relevant way. This is based on a high degree of confidence that is not easy to achieve, and that is why the idea of “‹“‹a European intelligence agency should not be ruled out .. All member states must stop snort to fuel databases, including the SIS II (Schengen information system), Europol's databases and file lost travel documents and stolen Interpol. Eurojust tool that could build a future European Public Prosecutor, should see its increased resources and to launch joint investigation teams.   In the range of appropriate measures, control of the movement of firearms in the European Union must be strengthened, because the legal inaccuracies of the current Directive have led too many divergent interpretations by Member States. Terrorist groups take advantage of these loopholes to easily obtain firearms illegally. Therefore, following a proposal from the Commission, we are actively working on a complete overhaul of the directive. The drying up of sources of financing of terrorism and the fight against forged documents trafficking are other fights, among others, that we must also lead. It is thus necessary that we work towards harmonization of identity documents across the EU. In short, as regards the fight against terrorism, if the PNR Directive was finally adopted, it must be clear and remain pragmatic: it is only one element of a broader package that demand above all the commitment of national authorities. Source : French Socialist MEP

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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