
Pariss French Manufacturer and Begins signed a contract on June 2

based on 5 long terms pillars

Korea Flag (Source: Wordatlas)
Pariss Begins Signature
(Source: worldatlas)
USPA NEWS - On the occasion of the visit of the President of the Republic of South Korea in France, Ms. Park, Pariss, French manufacturer of electric vehicles and Begins, Korean company developing (among others) of battery charging systems, have concluded last Thursday, June 2 a global partnership agreement.
France Korea logo
Source: Courtesy Elysee
On the occasion of the visit of the President of the Republic of South Korea in France, Ms. Park, Pariss, French manufacturer of electric vehicles and Begins, Korean company developing (among others) of battery charging systems, have concluded last Thursday, June 2 a global partnership agreement--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE YEAR 2015-2016 FRANCE KOREA CELEBRATES 130 UEARS OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIPS---------------- The year 2015-2016 France-Korea, which just celebrated 130 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries mark the willingness to intensify their relations, to promote the richness and diversity of their trade, which are resolutely turned towards the future. The agreement is based on five founding pillars of a relationship in long terms: 1- Begins develop and supply batteries for electric vehicles Pariss race. 2- Begins share its knowledge in terms of rapid battery charging, and will develop a specific system for the battery Pariss race of electric vehicles. 3- The two companies will work together on the FIA “‹“‹homologation of the racing vehicle. 4- Pariss provide all the information the Race Begins vehicle for the development and marketing, and manufacturing of a future road vehicle. 5- Begins is ready to share its burden of existing infrastructure and platforms with Pariss. This agreement is effective as of today, and could allow Pariss quickly become a major actor of the electric car race around the world. PARISS DEVELEOPS ELECTRIC “CARRY OVER“VEHICLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pariss" develops electric vehicles based on an important use of the composite instead of metal, maximizing the concept of "carry-over" the most important components come from existing vehicles. This strategy ensures a limited investment in the development and validation of vehicles. This also makes it possible to transfer the means of production to industrial partners "Pariss".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGINS DEVELOPS A BATTERY CHARGING SYSTEM IN SOUTH KOREA---------------------------------------------------- Begins developing a battery charging system in the Republic of South Korea. The company is authorized by the Korean government to put out also for electric buses. Begins offers solutions to different types of electric vehicles (bus, truck, car, etc ...), and work hard to import and export enterprises of Republic of South Korea.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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