


Metropolis of Grand Paris- Baltard (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Patrick Ollier President of Grand Paris
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - The 1,200 invitees at the Pavillon Baltard, in Nogent Sur Marne came to see and meet with the 110 winners of the international competition Lets create the metropolis of Paris. " Le Grand Paris, officially launched in January 2016, has experienced a boost since Patrick Ollier was appointed President.
Patrick Ollier President Grand Paris JF Carenco
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
PATRICK OLLIER PRESIDENT OF GRAND PARIS METROPOLE EXPLAINS IT IS THE GREATEST EUROPEAN PROJECT WITH 110 SITES On February 18, we launched this contest without lead or ca ... Since the law of January 1, and the existence of fact on January 22, we have since then decided all together in a common project for the benefit of 7 million inhabitants, while leaving the policy side. We were expecting 450 people today, and you're now in 1200 is a positive sign that the competition arouses interest. This is Europe's most important event on such a competition involving 75 cities and 110 pre-selected sites.It is the largest project with 450 ha, and thus the largest in Europe on such a scale. It aims to create wealth and new jobs, more housing and therefore the VALUE ADDED. The 112 sites we selected were chosen and are in preparation courses to start. This was not possible before. With JF Carenco we work best with Philippe Yvin and we are also helped by Dominique Alba APUR thanks to its architectural skills. There also Rene Pierre Delmas president of the Caisse Depots which brings support for 300 million Euros, and Louis Schweitzer, Commissioner investment bringing us as one billion euros. These are the mayors who had the idea and the courage they deserve thanks. We retain only 61 projects of the 112, and I am committed next year (depending on the situation of land) and visited with local councils and teams to provide technical and irrefutable records sites or mastery land is undeniable and allow to start now. And the end of 2017 I want no site is left has As for Anne Hidalgo that launched reinvent PARIS, I congratulate her." Explains Patrick Ollier
Philippe Yvin President Society of Grand Paris
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
PHILIPPE YVIN PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT COMPANY PARIS IS INVENTIVE AND HIGHLIGHTS THE MELTING POT's CULTURE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are pleased to participate in this GRAND PARIS step, we lead with Jean Yves Le Gouillonet in this human adventure that takes shape. THE EXPRESS GP will irrigate all this territory, the underground 200 km and 68 new stations, as requested by the legislator. The project is progressing quickly because all funds were consolidated in 2018 and all the lines will be preparatory site. In a year, the line between Champigny and Noisy le Grand. The metropolis of Greater Paris has 140 square km or 1.5 times the area of “‹“‹Paris. It is better to think of post industrial city by promoting housing construction and increase the attractiveness of the metropolitan region. The emergence of creativity and social and structural and functional diversity and radiation base is the implementation of projects bitch this contest and our bid for Expo 2025 and the Olympic Games, presented, which brings us together today is a epic. Then this is also the time of the builders and shipyards companies. We are making the future and we are already engaged there and the already present heritage. We write an urban odyssey to give the breath of a new generation. "Said Philippe Yvin,
Valerie MayerBlimont Associate council Grand Pari
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Louis Schweitzer General Commissioner investment
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Mayors of Ile de France
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Anne Hidalgo Mayor of Paris
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
ANNE HIDALGO MAYOR OF PARIS MAKES THE FOLLOW UP ON REINVENTING PARIS-------------------------------- Le Grand Paris is the story of an alliance or it draws in all jurisdictions and they are spaces of solidarity and wealth and protection. It is a global phenomenon and there is a global convergence, with specificities and there is a common destiny and we worked it but we have more a tool of governance which is the GRAND PARIS. The tool we have put in place in particular thanks to the state and Jean Francois Carenco who accompanied us to this alliance territories. Today there's intelligence elk recent months confirmed, was like the experience of REINVENTING PARIS including Jean Louis is Missak has initiated this idea. Patrick Ollier told me to adapt in Paris, he was told that we will share that intelligence and brainpower to save time in this metropolis. To be competitive and attractive we need the human dimension and be creative and trust the contemporary architects to build Planning tomorrow. We sticks to the GP population and this will also be good for the country. "
Jean Francois Carenco Prefect of Ile De France
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
JEAN FRANCOIS CARENCO prefect OF ILE DE FRANCE PARIS THINKS BIG IS BUILDING THE FUTURE "We're all together to build the. Virtue is that we pass the old and outdated debates of our country. Metropolisation: This is not the expansion of a conurbation is something else: the city is positioning will and the open and large miscegenation and away from barbarism and lights. Prime Minister Manuel Valls asked me to help Patrick Ollier. I went to create trust and cultural emotion and social ties because you try to make the metropolis. We build a little world of tomorrow " See also articles : PATRICK OLLIER & JF CARENCO UNVEIL THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF 112 CANDIDATES LET US INVENT THE GRAND PARIS LE NOUVEAU GRAND PARIS IS A HUGE AMBITIOUS PROJECT AN ECOLOGICAL URBANIZATION AND MODERN THE GRAND PARIS EVOLVES & UNVEILED 17 NEW INTERMUNICIPAL EMERGED IN LARGE CROWN SINCE 1ST JANUARY 2016 PARIS TRYING TO SOLVE THE HOUSING CRISIS THE GRAND PARIS, IS IT THE SOLUTION ? THE PREFECT OF PARIS SIGNS THE PREFECTURAL ABOUT RENT CONTROL IN FRENCH HOUSING FRAME DICATED BY ALUR ACT
Map of the Grand Paris Metropolis
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Pavilion Baltard
Signature of Grand Paris Presidents
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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