
COP22 Global Climate Action Agenda Thematic Day on Forests on November 8

Room Fez Press Conference 3 Blue Zone

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COP22 Banner Marrakech
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - On 8 November 2016 at 12:30, leaders in the global drive to protect and restore forests will announce concrete progress that is transforming how the world lives with and relies on these critical resources. They will show actions on forests from every corner of the planet.Press briefing & Showcase
Mosaik Nature COP21
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
On Tuesday, 8 November 2016 at 12:30 GMT, leaders in the global drive to protect and restore forests will announce concrete progress that is transforming how the world lives with and relies on these critical resources. They will show how actions on forests from every corner of the planet are helping deliver on Paris climate pledges. GOVERNMENTS PRIVATE SECTOR CIVIL SOCIETY AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES WORK TO UNLEASH POTENTIAL OF FOREST TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE------------------------------------------------------------------------- The anticipated announcements come two years after the New York Declaration on Forests, an ambitious multi-stakeholder commitment to cut deforestation in half by 2020 and to strive to end natural forest loss by 2030. The events are part of Forest Action Day at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 22), which in turn is part of the Global Climate Action Agenda ““ an initiative by France and Morocco to boost cooperative action between governments, cities, business, investors and citizens. Forest Action Day will feature announcements from governments, businesses, civil society groups, and indigenous peoples´ organizations that that demonstrate unprecedented momentum and progress towards achieving the forest and development goals. Anticipated announcements include: ·         A new initiative to implement adaptation efforts and improve integrated forest projects in northern Africa ·         A new announcement on development of carbon-rich peatlands in Southeast Asia, and new initiatives to set principles for responsible commodity production in Africa. ·         The connection between forest preservation and peace efforts in Latin America, and the role of serious legal tools in avoiding illegal deforestation. ·         The use of breakthrough technology to encourage transparency in tracking deforestation.  The world´s forests already remove over two gigatonnes of our carbon emissions from the atmosphere annually, and represent one of the largest and most cost-effective responses to climate change that we have. Limiting global warming to below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels requires a rapid halt to deforestation, and reaching a carbon balance by the second half of this century necessitates massive forest restoration. Healthy forests also play a central role in creating resilient societies that can adapt to climate change.
COP22 Banner Marrakech
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
SPEAKERS AT THE PRESS BRIEFING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·         Rene Castro Salazar, Assistant Director-General, Forestry, Food and   Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ·         Charles McNeill, Senior Policy Advisor, United Nations Development Programme  ·         Abderrahim Houmy, Secretary General of Morocco´s High Commission for Water, Forests and the Fight against Desertification SPEAKERS AT THE EVENTS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LEADERS FROM GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS The Speakers at the events include the following leaders from government and business are the following in speaking order):  SHOWCASE AT 13: 30 ·         Abdeladim Lhafi, Morocco´s High Commissioner for Water, Forests and the Fight Against Desertification, Morocco ·         René Castro Salazar, Assistant Director-General Forestry, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ·         Luis Gilberto Murillo, Minister Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia (TBC) ·         Wasantha Dissanayake, Additional Secretary, Environment Policy and Planning, Ministry of Development and Environment, Sri Lanka ·         Josefina Brana-Varela,  WWF Senior Director for Forests and Climate ·         Aldo Uva, Chief Operating Supply Chain Officer of Ferrero ·         Dan Zarin, Director, Climate and Land Use Alliance tbc ·         Almami Dampha, Senior Policy Officer, Rural Economy and Agriculture Department, African Union Commission ·         Abdoulaye Balde, Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, Senegal ·         Margaret Adata, Forestry Commissioner, Uganda ·         Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim (Chad), Co-Chair, International Indigenous Peoples´ Forum on Climate Change ·         Victor Kabengele Wa Kadilu, National REDD+ Coordinator, Democratic Republic of Congo  (moderator) ·         Joel Conklin, Google Earth, Earth Engine & Earth Outreach ·         Harison Karnwea, Managing Director of the Liberian Forestry Development Authority ·         Stewart Maginnis, Senior Director, Forest and Climate Change programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature ·         Budi Wardhana, Head of Indonesia Peatland Restoration Agency ·         Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples tbc (moderator) ·         Karsten Sach, Director-General Climate Policy, European and International Policy, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany ·         Melissa Miners, Director of Sustainable Development, Unilever ·         Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, President of UNFCCC COP-20 (tbc) Dialogue event. 16:00: ·         Professor Mohammed Badraoui, moderator  See also articles : COP22 GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION LAUNCH EVENT IN ROOM FES IN BLUE ZONE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS- See more at: Source : UNFCCC See also articles : COP22 GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION LAUNCH EVENT IN ROOM FES IN BLUE ZONE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS - See more at: Source : UNFCCC See also article : REMARKS OF SEGOLENE ROYAL PRESIDENT OF COP21 AT COP22 OPENING CEREMONY PART 2 OF THE FULL ADDRESSING - See more at: and REMARKS OF SEGOLENE ROYAL PRESIDENT OF COP21 AT COP22 OPENING CEREMONY MARRAKECH TODAY NOVEMBER 7 and THE PARIS AGREEMENT ENTERS INTO FORCE AND CELEBRATION AND REALITY CHECK PATRICIA ESPINOZA & SALAHEDDINE MEZOUAR - See more at:

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